film critic

美 [fɪlm ˈkrɪtɪk]英 [fɪlm ˈkrɪtɪk]
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film criticfilm critic
  1. Film critic Bob Mondello shares his thoughts on the movie ' City of Hope ' .


  2. His production was panned by French film critic .


  3. Mather was film critic on the Daily Telegraph for many years


  4. She 's a film critic for the Irish Times .


  5. He is a very famous film critic .


  6. To put it even more bluntly than that , a film critic should have a life .


  7. I talked to the film critic and television director , Christopher crook .


  8. Raymond Zhou is a well-known film critic in China . He lives in Beijing and works for China Daily .


  9. Veteran film critic Wang Xiaolu Xu Bing 's 81-minute video .


  10. All of this makes Leonard Maltin , a film critic , ask a question .


  11. Ebert , a Chicago film critic with a nationwide following , had emergency cancer surgery recently .


  12. A film critic was complaining that the censor was being too tolerant .


  13. Tokyo film critic Reiko Kubo said Yagira deserved his award .


  14. Film critic , Zhang Wei added that the movie would have implications for China , where instant gratification and consumerism have taken hold .


  15. But the agencies have argued in the US that they act in a role that some describe as equivalent to a restaurant or film critic .


  16. The decision was ' very unreasonable , very conservative and very foolish , ' said Lie Wen , a Beijing-based film critic .


  17. Annis 's the film critic for the local radio station , so she 's got a free pass for all the cinemas in the area .


  18. The popularization of the Hong Kong style arrived in the nick of time for Hollywood , says Los Angeles Times film critic Kenneth Turan .


  19. Joining me earlier on his mobile phone from the Lido at the heart of the festival , was film critic Jason Solomons .


  20. Zhang Xiaobei , film critic for state broadcaster CCTV and a Star Wars fan , watched his first movie in the series in 1982 .


  21. Founded by film critic Cheng Qingsong and his Youth Film Handbook magazine , the Golden Broom is the only film award aimed at bad Chinese films .


  22. It didn 't win any Oscars , but won 13 awards for Best Screenplay and five awards for Best Picture from various film critic associations and festivals .


  23. Although this may seem contradictory , the film critic who only watches films to the exclusion of all other pursuits will deliver introverted , myopic reviews .


  24. and French film critic Serge Toubiana , who co-directed docu " Hitchcock Truffaut . "


  25. You graduated from the Iceland Academy of Arts and had been involved in local radio program as a film critic ; why did you switch to becoming a professional cartoonist ?


  26. Although glowingly reviewed by the influential New Yorker film critic Pauline Kael , " The Seven-Per-Cent Solution " did not do very well at the box office .


  27. They are : U.S. film critic and historian Jim Hoberman , longtime senior critic at " The Village Voice " and now a New York Times columnist ;


  28. Zi Feiyu , independent film critic , said : " The Star Wars series has a group of diehard fans in China , even though the old Star Wars series was never released in China . "


  29. A professor of literature , for example , or a film critic . A third group , generally rather small , comprises the makers ( the scriptwriter and director of your fantasy story , say ) .


  30. But whereas many child stars have appealed primarily to young audiences , Temple beguiled a largely adult movie-going nation with what film critic David Thomson called her " elfin perfection . "
